Are you a member of a specific Association or a student with a school or college? Balens offer our bespoke insurance policy to members of over 350 different Associations and Organisations. If you are a member of one of our partners you will be able to purchase your Balens Professional Liability Insurance for a reduced premium. Please quote the Organisation's name when speaking to us, or on your proposal form, and we’ll do the rest. If you are not a member of one of our insurance partners, you will still be able to purchase Balens bespoke policy and an individual Health and Well-Being Professional. 

Benefits of the Balens Health Professionals Liability Insurance Policy:

The Balens Professional Liability & Malpractice insurance policy has been designed for Health and Well-Being professionals / therapists / practitioners that provide advice, treatment, activities and / or therapies to members of the public. The policy has the following areas of cover:

  • £4m / £6m* Professional Liability Cover

    This covers your legal liability for any breach of your professional duty due to a negligent act, error or omission committed or alleged to have been committed. The limit of liability selected will apply to any one claim and will cover an unlimited number of claims per policy year.

    * Higher limits of indemnity are available upon request, please contact us for details

  • £4m / £6m* Public Liability Cover

    This covers your legal liability for accidental injury to any third party and or their property through acts of negligence. The limit of liability selected will apply to any one claim and will cover an unlimited number of claims per policy year.

    * Higher limits of indemnity are available upon request, please contact us for details

  • £4m / £6m* Products Liability Cover

    This covers your legal liability for accidental injury to any third party and / or their property through the use, sale and / or distribution of defective products. The limit of liability is for all claims during the year (aggregate) and covers an unlimited number of claims up to the limit of liability. This cover includes sale or distribution of products to your own clients connected with the therapies / activities that we insure. A turnover restriction of £30,000 applies for sales to non-clients in any one year. We have a separate Health Products Policy should your additional sales exceed this limit.

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    * Higher limits of indemnity are available upon request, please contact us for details

  • Retrospective extension

    The Balens Health Professionals Liability Policy has an extension for all previous work performed, and will cover claims arising during this period provided there was an insurance policy in place at the time that the work was carried out, it does not have to be ours. 

    There is a requirement that any claim made under this area of cover is first notified to you during the period of insurance with us and the previous insurance policy in force at the time of the event will not respond. Full details of any previous policy must be provided in the event of a claim.

  • Peace of Mind after you cease trading

    The Balens Health Professionals Liability Policy is on a claims occurring basis. A major benefit of this type of wording is that any work performed when the policy was in force will be covered now and at any point in the future, this is subject to the terms and condition of the policy. There is no need to purchase additional run-off cover which would be required on a claims made wording, and can be quite costly. 

  • Cover for Temporary work abroad (USA and Canada by referral)
  • Can include over 3,500 different therapies / activities within the one policy

    Subject to qualification, many at no additional premium! We are regularly reviewing and including new modalities or techniques, so please contact us if required.

  • Teaching covered as standard

    Including training and running workshops – Cover for you undertaking the above activities is provided under the standard policy so long as you are not issuing a certificate of competency. In cases where a certificate of competency is issued, we can offer a training extension that covers a turnover of up to £20,000 per annum and / or 40 students, including issuing of certification. A separate Training Schools policy is also available should your needs extend beyond these limits.

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  • Pre-disciplinary hearings legal advice up to £1500

    Any one occurrence, to cover costs and expenses when preparing a response to allegations of unprofessional conduct or behaviour.

  • Significant Conditions and Exclusions

    It is important that you comply with the Conditions and note the Exclusions of cover. The below is only a summary of the principal terms and conditions of cover. Please refer to the policy document for full details.

  • Conditions
    • Record keeping – It is extremely important to note that the policy does require you to undertake and keep a record of all consultations and treatments provided. Full details of your obligations are shown in the policy wording.             
    • Claims notification – There is a condition that all incidents that may give rise to a claim must be notified to Balens.
    • Instruments – There is a requirement to ensure sterilisation of instruments used for touching or piercing of skin, dealing with fluid spillage and disposal of clinical waste.
    • Qualification – You should be suitable qualified for the treatments/advice/therapies that you provide and evidence of such must be provided when cover is arranged or when a claim occurs.
    • Treatment by beauty therapists, cosmetologists and hairdressers – There are a number of conditions, including regarding patch tests, use of impermeable membranes where spillages may cause staining for the client, after care treatment advice and training / qualification requirements for certain treatments. Please see the policy wording for full details.
  • Exclusions
    • Employers Liability Insurance.
    • Treatment / advice on any person under the age of 16 unless parental consent is obtained. Certain treatments do have an exclusion for under 18’s and details will be clear on any quotation / policy document provided to you.
    • Criminal acts.
    • Any fines, penalties or liquidated / punitive damages as a result of a contract, agreement or legal requirement.

And DAS Legal and Taxation Policy that includes:

  • Criminal Defence and other costs up to £100,000
    • Cover for legal defence costs against criminal allegations.
    • Pre-disciplinary and Disciplinary Hearings cover.
    • Jury service and court attendance cover.
    • Tax protection cover relating to a tax enquiry, an employer compliance dispute and/or VAT dispute.
    • Unlimited access to legal and tax helplines.
    • Telephone Counselling service.

    Please note that the Retrospective Extension is included for this element of the policy subject to specific Terms and Conditions, which are available upon request.

All policies are subject to Terms and Conditions.

Optional Additional Cover

  • Personal Accident - A lump sum benefit payable on death or disablement

    The maximum benefit amount under the policy is £25,000.

    What is insured?

    This policy covers you for bodily injury caused by accident and does not cover any claim caused or contributed by sickness. The policy will pay a maximum amount of £25,000 if you suffer bodily injury during the period of insurance which results in your:

    • Accidental death.
    • Loss of, or loss of use of, a limb(s).
    • Loss of sight.
    • Loss of hearing.
    • Loss of speech.
    • Permanent total disablement.
    • Permanent partial disablement.



    • Coma Benefit up to a maximum of £1,000.
    • Funeral expenses up to a maximum of £5,000.
    • Medical expenses.
    • Relative travel expenses.
    • Up to £15,000 for reasonable expenses incurred in retraining in an alternative occupation.



    • Any bodily injury, loss or expense arising from:
    • Engaging in active service of the armed forces in any nation.
    • Drugs, drug addiction and / or drink driving.
    • Travel to dangerous or unsettled areas.
    • Any gradually operating causes.
    • Non-passenger air travel.
    • Suicide or self-injury.
    • War.



    • Any claim by a person of 76 years of age unless bodily injury occurs during the period of insurance in which the person attains that age.



    • Insured person under 18 years of age.
    • Reasonable care.


    Business Equipment ‘All Risks’ Cover – Provides cover for business equipment, contents and / or stock up to a maximum value of £5,000.

    Sum insured options of: £1,500, £3,000 or £5,000


    What is insured?

    • Property used solely in connection with your business, belonging to you or for which you are legally responsible.
    • Property including therapy equipment, office equipment, tablet devices, computers and ancillary equipment, electronic equipment, photographic equipment, stock.
    • A £100 policy excess applies to each and every claim.



    • Property taken outside of the UK, worldwide for a maximum of 60 days in any one period of insurance.



    • Brittle articles.
    • Damage caused by wear, tear or any gradually operating cause.
    • Damage caused by any act of dishonesty committed by any employee.



    • Theft from an unattended vehicle – all doors, windows and other means of access are securely fastened and locked. All valuable items are locked in secure compartments and hidden from view. Any security devices for protection of the vehicle are put into full and effective operation.

    In all areas, cover applies as per the standard Terms and Conditions of the policy. Please click here for full details of the policy.

Please contact us to get a personalised quote for your association:

Affinity Schemes

If you are a member of any Association or Training School who hold a customised insurance scheme with Balens, you will be eligible for discounted rates. If you are not, you will be able to join our Individual Bridge Block scheme for Health and Well-Being Professionals.

Other policies services which may be useful:

Balens have a range of additional policies that you may wish to consider as part of your insurance portfolio.

  • Home Insurance – For those practitioners who are seeing their clients from home.
  • Personal Accident or Income Protection – To cover your income and expenses if you are unable to work due to an accident or illness.
  • All Risks Cover For your basic Contents and Stock.
  • Business Protection – For when your contents or stock exceed the limits of our All Risks Policy. Also includes Employers Liability Insurance, which is a legal requirement when employing staff / volunteers.
  • Clinic Policy – If more than one individual is to be covered under a business name, or if others are using your clinic / space. Please also see our Clinics Article on when a Clinic Policy is required.
  • Health Products – If your sales to non-clients exceed £30,000.
  • Training Schools – If your business excessed 40 students or £20,000 income per annum. Cover for issuing certificates of attendance is automatically included in our Balens Professional Indemnity policy with no limits and for no additional premium. If you are issuing certificates of competence, a Training School extension can be added to this policy for an additional premium.