Who do you want at the end of the telephone if the unfortunate were to occur and you found yourself in a complaint or claims situation? 

The support you receive in a claims situation is what you purchased your insurance for and at Balens we recognise how important this is for our clients. The stress that may be caused, the financial and time implications of having to sort the situation out. Balens’ Claims Team are in-house and aim is to make the process as smooth as possible for our clients, supporting them all the way. They may be contacted on 01684 580 798 (Monday – Friday, 09.00 – 17.00) or email to claims@balens.co.uk.

The range of classes of business that Balens handle is diverse, so different types of claim will be handled slightly differently and with differing timescales involved.

Complaints or Claims against you or your business

It is important to notify us immediately of a claim or any incident that may give rise to a claim so that we can assist you with the process and confirm any timescales imposed on the investigation. This is especially important with regards to the handling of Employers Liability and Public Liability Injury claims.

We will require you to supply the following:

  • A statement from you detailing the incident including copies of treatment records, copies of your qualifications and any correspondence from the claimant including details of conversations, text messages, emails and letters.
  • You should collate photos, training records, risk assessments, wages information and CCTV Records as relevant.
  • You must contact us immediately if you should receive a claim notification form.

For Malpractice and Professional Indemnity Claims we have a range of educational and risk management material to help you avoid these wherever possible, please see our Guidance and Articles page.  

Please contact us at claims@balens.co.uk for more detailed information if required.

Building and Contents Claims

Business losses can come from a variety of causes. Our knowledgeable team have many years of experience helping reimburse businesses and supporting them to keep going despite adverse situations.

If your claim involves Buildings or Contents damage, then we need full details of the loss, estimates for replacement or repair, plus a copy of your lease if you are a tenant and claiming for tenant’s improvements and decorations. If the loss or damage is serious, Insurers will appoint a representative to survey, assess and discuss your claim.

You have a common law duty to mitigate losses, so temporary repairs and prompt action to prevent further deterioration loss or damage are advisable. Please keep relevant receipts and documentation. Always let us know immediately if an incident occurs rather than delay matters and we will guide you through the process.

Injury, Accident or Illness Claims

Claims involving Injury, accidents, illness or death will require different proof of loss and we will of course support you through these potentially distressing times. You must contact us as soon as possible in the event of such claims.